Here are some of the platforms that Video games are played on:
XBOX 360 (Microsoft) (7th Gen)
Release dates- US: November 2005 Europe: December 2005 Japan: December 2005
- 3.2 GHz PPC Tri-Core Xenon CPU
- 500 MHx ATI Xenos GPU
- Plays Games, DVDs, CDs and HD DVDs with an Add-on
- 20 or 120GB hard-drive storage, memory cards also available
- Supports 4 wireless controllers or 2 wired controllers & 2 wireless
- Xbox Live (online capabilities)
- Sold 18 Million units world wide as of April 2008
- Backwards compatability with about 500 XBOX games
Notable games- Halo 3 (8.1 million copies sold as of January 2008)
Target audience- More serious Gamers, 15 years of age+ (lots of shooting games and serious play online)
Playstation 3 (Sony) (7th Gen)
Release dates- November 2006
- 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine CPU
- Plays games, DVDs, CDs and Blue-ray DVDs
- 20, 40, 60, or 80 GB hard drive storage system
- Supports up to 7 dual-action controllers
- Playstation Network (online capabilities)
- Sold 10.49 million units as of February 2008
- Backwards compatability with all Playstation games and most Playstation 2 games
Notable games- Motorstorm (3 million copies sold as of February 2008)
Target Audience- All round gamers, young & old, people with brand loyalty to Sony
Wii (Nintendo) (7th Gen)
Release Dates- November 2006
- ATI "Hollywood" GPU
- Plays 12cm Wii optical discs and 8cm Nintendo Gamecube discs
- 512MB internal flash memroy, Secure digital cards of Nintendo Gamecube Memory cards storage systems
- Supports up to 4 revolutionary Wii remotes, Wii Balance Boards and Nintendo Gamecubve Controllers
- Wi-fi, Bluetooth or USB LAN adapter connections to Nintendo Wi-Fi connection (online capabilities)
- 20.13 million units sold as of April 2008
- Backwards compatability with Nintendo Gamecube games
Notable Games- Wii Sports (17.85 million copies sold as of April 2008)
Target Audience- Games generally tend to be be less violent and more fun, so some think it is aimed a lower age group but because of the revolutionary control system it is fun for all the family.
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