Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Digital Technology and the film industry

1. Production - how has digital technology changed the way films are shot? How has it made the process more creative? -Digital technology means that filmakers are able to view what they have shot on set, whilst still filming, instead of having to watch what they have filmed later during production so using physical film means that you can't insure you get a good shot in production format. Also when filimf with digital cameras it eliminates some of the porblems that can be found when using physical film, such as electronic jittering and gate-weave. There are further steps that must be taken wehn using physical film such as the transfer of all the film to video medium, and when transferring the film to digital media each frame must be positioned perfectly in referance to the other frames. Every extra step that must be taken with physical film adds to the overall production cost and the length of time it takes for the production. The introduction of digital technology eliminates many of these extra steps and offers a cost effective solution that creates the same visual experience for the viewer. Digital technology makes lots of effects work a lot easier, such as keying out wires, and visual set work, meaning the process can be more effective and complicated but be produced just as easily. 2. Distribution - how do we access films now? How do the films get distributed to the cinemas? How is this changing?

-Digital technnology nowadays means that we can access films through DVDs instead of VHS or having to go and see them at the cinema. DVDs allow the viewer to skip scenes, flick back and pause the film which were things that you could not do so efficeintly with VHS. Our cinema experience has also changed with the introduction of 3D movies and surround sound. Also our home cinema environments have improved so we can have the same experience of the cinema in the more comfortable surroundings of our own homes.

3. Exhibition - how do we experience films? Is the cinema experience changing? Is it under threat with home cinema technology?

-I don't think that the cinema is under threat from the new home cinema technologies because the cinemas still show the films before we can buy or rent them on DVD so if a person wants to see a film they will still go to see it at the cinema. Also our home cinemas will never be as big as the actual cinema so it is not as much of a spectacle so you dont get the same atmosphere when in a using the new home cinema technology.

Websites i researched on:



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