Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Age of Permanent Net Revolution

1. Endism is the perspective that sees new technologies as replacing older ones, for example with Televisions arrival people predicted the end of radio and movies, and with the CD rom people predicted the end of the written book, and more recently people have predicted the end of the music industry with the downloading of music from filesharing programs. So far most of these perspectives have been wrong. 2. Media ecosytem is a term used to describe the complex interactions between different medias, old and new. The organisms that drive the media ecosytems are things such as broadcasting, radio, television, print and the itnernet. 3. Narrowcasting is a way of boradcasting in which specialist content is aimed at a particular audience and is distributed via subscription based digital channels. 4. The internet is the tracks on which the complex and enormous web runs upon, meaning that the web is constantly evolving and changing while the internet stays the same. 5. A push medium is something like broadcasting, where you are forced into consuming because of little choice, whereaes a pull medium is the web that is contantly changing to suit our choices. 6. The blogging phenonmeneomonemonemon suggests that traffic in ideas and cultural products isn't a one way street, i.e blogging means that anyone can give back ideas instead of just being a passive reader of the media.


The New Media Technology area i will be studying is Gaming. Here are some of the possible reasearch areas i will look at:
  • Console Gaming (XBOX 360, Playstation 3, Wii)
  • Online gaming (XBOX Live, Playstation online)
  • MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games eg. World of Warcraft)
  • Handheld Console Gaming (Nintendo DS, PSP)
  • Games (different genres)
  • Development of New Games
  • Development of New Consoles